Tuesday, October 16, 2012

[CAFE] 121016 Yoseob's Post - "Because it's our 3 year anniversary"

3주년이라서 3등으로 쓰는게 아닙니다.
어젠 정말 세상에서 1등 피곤했던 남자여서
씻고 노트북을 끌어안고 잠들어 버렸네요 글쎄..
맞아요..사실 졸려서 멋진 말들이 떠오르지 않아 노트북을 살포시 닫았어요
그래도 오늘 3주년이니까!
늦은건 아니잖아요?ㅋㅋ

자...본론으로 들어가서
제게 3년은 참 짧았어요!
데뷔하고! 음반 활동하고 1등하고! 대상도받구..
콘서트도하고..월드투어에 이것저것 해외활동..등등등
생각해보면 참 많은 일을..혹은 많은 업적을 이룬 비스트네요!
그치만 아직 써내려가야할 페이지가 더 많은 비스트입니다.
끝까지 응원해주시고
30주년 비스트 디너쇼에서 봤음 좋겠네요,ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

여러분의 사랑이.. 여러분의 관심이
지금의 비스트를, 지금의 양요섭을 만들어주셨어요.
정말정말 감사합니다.

오늘도 공연이 있는 날이네요!!
생각보단 제가 잘 버티고있어서 저도 놀랍습니다ㅋㅋ

아무튼 감사하고 옆에 있어주지못해 미안하단말을 뺑 돌려서 얘기 했네요,,,,
감사합니다!!!!!! 뷰티!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I did not write 3rd because it's our 3 year anniversary.
Yesterday I was the most tired man on Earth so
After I washed up I fell asleep hugging my laptop..
Yes..To be honest because I was tired I couldn't think of cool words so I closed my laptop
But today is our 3 year anniversary so!
I'm not late right?ㅋㅋ

Now...getting to the main point
3 years was very short for me!
We debuted! We promoted our albums and got first place! We got daesang too..
We had our concert..our world tour and lots of overseas promotions..etcetcetc
If you think about it a lot of things happened..or you can say BEAST achieved many things!
However BEAST still has many pages left to write.
Support us until the end
And I wish to see you all at the BEAST 30 anniversary dinner show, ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Everyone's love.. everyone's support
Helped create BEAST, and Yang Yoseob of today.
Thank you so so much.

Today we have a performance as well!!
I'm surprised that I'm holding up better than I thoughtㅋㅋ

Anyways thank you and I went a long way around to say that I'm sorry for not being by your side,,,,
So I can look cool..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Thank you!!!!!! B2UTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CREDITS: playb2st (SOURCE); poco123 @ B2STRISING.COM (TRANS)

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