Wednesday, February 20, 2013

[CAFE] 130220 Yoseob's Post - It's difficult wah wah

생각이 참 많아지는 새벽입니다.
힘들게 뭐가 있을까요..
하긴 요즘 스케쥴도 없겠다..
푹 쉬고 있습니다.
근데 몸이 쉬니까 머리가 바빠지네요.

이런저런 생각이 제 발목을 잡고, 손목을 잡고, 팔목을 잡고 ..
아주 그냥 잡혀삽니다.

정말 개인적인 사소한 문제부터

앞으로 해야 할 일들과
지금까지 달려왔던 길을 돌아보게 됩니다.
특히.. 제가 여러분들에게 소홀했던것들..
음..예를 들어
예전보다 하트를 많이 날리지 못한것..?
조금씩 철들기 시작하면서 애교가 없어진 것..? (힐링캠프 싸이 선배님편이 떠오르네요)
랩 해달라고 하면 은근히 그냥 넘어가는 것..?
등등.. 여러가지가 있죠..

..다시한번 리셋 버튼을 눌러 볼까 합니다..

전처럼 노랑머리 양요섭처럼 하트를 날리진못해도
스타골든벨에서 처럼 애교를 부릴순 없어도
용준형처럼 랩을 할 수는 없어도

최대한 처음으로, 처음처럼.
팬서비스 제조기였던 그때로..
열심히 열심히 돌아가도록 할께요.

내가 비스트의 양요섭이다.
너희는 뷰티고.
고로난 팬썹한다.

기대하라, 2013 냥뇨섭의 팬썹의 해.

다들 굿나잇 쪽쪽

It's a midnight full of thoughts.
I wonder what is difficult these days..
I actually don't even have that many schedules these days too..
I'm just fully resting.
But since my body is resting, my mind is starting to become busy.

Random thoughts start to grab on to my ankles, wrists, and arms ..
I am just caught up in my thoughts these days.

From really small personal things
To things I have to do in the future
I look back on the path that I had been running on.
In particular.. things I lacked for you guys..
Um..such as
Not giving you guys as many hearts as before..?
Like the decrease of my aegyo (cuteness) as I started to mature..? (I am reminded by Psy sunbaenims Healing Camp episode)
Just ignoring when you guys ask me to rap..?
Etc etc.. there are many more..

..I'm thinking of pressing the reset button once again..

Even though I don't give out hearts like the blonde hair Yang Yoseob in the past
Or show aeygo like I did on Star Golden Bell
Or rap like Yong Junhyung

But like the first time, the earliest I can remember.
To the time when I was the fan service machine..
I will try hard to go back to those times.

I am BEAST's Yang Yoseob.
You guys are b2uties.
Therefore, I will be FanSeob.

Anticipate, 2013 Yang Yoseob's fan's year.

Good night everyone mwah mwah


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